Employee Stock Ownership

At Halff, we put people first which fosters an uncommon trust among our workforce. Our people are engaged employee-owners with a pride and passion for doing great work for each other and for our clients.

With Halff’s stock options, each employee is a part owner in the company. And they act like it, taking accountability and responding nimbly to our clients’ needs—before, during and after the project.

Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP)

An ESOP is a benefit that enables employees to own part of the company they work for. Only 16 percent of companies in our industry offer a program like this, so it’s a unique benefit of working at Halff. The firm annually contributes 3 percent of each employee’s total compensation to their ESOP account — no employee funds are required to participate. And all employees are enrolled in our ESOP after just one year of employment.

Individual Stock Ownership

When the company performs well, everyone benefits. Employees may voluntarily become individual stock owners in the company — invested in and optimistic about our future.

Employees may purchase shares of Halff stock annually, in small or large amounts, with a low-rate financing plan available over four years. This perk is not just for a select few employees, it’s for everyone. In fact, more than 450 individuals have chosen to be stockholders at Halff, and the largest employee shareholder owns less than 3 percent of Halff stock!

And there are no strings attached. If an employee leaves, they sell their shares at the current market rate.

Stock Bonus Program

Once each year, senior leaders of the firm and employees who show strong leadership and personal ownership of their work — those who drive growth — are rewarded with shares of Halff stock.

Voices of Halff

Perhaps the best measure of our success is the feedback from our strongest assets, our employees. Here’s what they have to say about their experience at Halff.

Stephen Crawford portrait image

Stephen Crawford

Director of Water Resources

“By being an owner and taking ownership of the work I am doing, I feel like I contributed in my own small way towards this growth. It is a pretty good feeling to invest in Halff and its people.”

Brent Billington portrait image

Brent Billington

Public Works Team Leader

“This is my fourth company. None ever offered ownership. Only one offered ESOP and it was not as generous as Halff’s program.”

Erika Nordstrom

Water Resources Technical Leader

“I worked for another firm prior to coming to Halff where there was not an opportunity to be a stockholder until you moved up significantly within the leadership. At Halff, I am able to become an owner in our company much earlier in my career. This provides a greater sense of commitment to everything I do and an opportunity to be a voice in our future.”

Karin Carter portrait image

Karin Carter


“Being a Halff stockholder gives me a great sense of pride each day. Ownership gives you that extra drive to go above and beyond. I can say I am a part owner of something special, and that something special is Halff.”

Halff portrait Waqar Fatimah

Waqar Fatima

Water Resources Team Leader

“I believe being a stockholder gives you a sense of ownership towards Halff. You feel more invested in the work because ultimately that leads to the success of the firm and yourself as an owner.”

Stephen Crawford portrait image
Brent Billington portrait image
Karin Carter portrait image
Halff portrait Waqar Fatimah

The Benefits of Stock Ownership

When you become a Halff employee stock owner, you immediately achieve a number of goals personally, professionally and financially.

Leadership: You become an integral part of our firm’s ownership.

Influence: Your actions and client service directly impact our growth. Unlike stock on the open market, you have a direct impact on the share value as a Halff stock owner.

Empowerment: You’re empowered to inspire our people and improve lives.

Recognition: You’re recognized for your contributions to the firm, your ownership, and provided a stockholder label on your nameplate.

Financial growth: You share the financial benefits of our growth. While history is not an indicator of future growth, our stock has historically grown at a rate of 12% and has outperformed the S&P 500.