
Vista Ridge Park rendering
Designing Space for All: Transforming Parks into Inclusive Community Hubs

According to the National Recreation and Parks Association, more than 280 million U.S. residents visited local parks or recreation spaces…

Driving Change: How Traffic Safety Technology Is Delivering Safer Roads

Traffic, lengthy signals, large intersections, impaired drivers — these hazards and distractions keep making today’s roads more and more risky.…

Walter E. Long Metropolitan Park Master Plan rendering photo
Mastering the Magic of Lakefront and Recreation Master Planning

A soft breeze. Crisp, glimmering waters. Birds serenading you among fresh green grass and trees. Lakefront developments — the perfect…

Gopher Tortoise Day: All About Florida’s Threatened Species

Gopher tortoises, a threatened species in the state of Florida, play a vital role in the ecosystems of the southeastern…

Past to Present: The Importance of Surveying

In celebration of National Surveyors Week 2024, Halff’s Surveying professionals are sharing some interesting aspects of the history of land…

Clearing the Murky Waters: Waters of the U.S. Definition Updates 2024

The term “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) defines which waterbodies fall under federal protection through the Clean Water Act.…

What’s Important About Rehabilitating Water/Wastewater Pipelines?

Buried beneath the surface—under neighborhood streets and communities—lie miles upon miles of pipelines, which convey the clean water we drink…

4 Halff Projects That Embody Innovation (E-Week 2024)

Welcome to Engineers Week 2024! Engineers Week (EWeek) provides us with an opportunity to celebrate how engineers make a difference…

person holding a glass filling it with tap water
Understanding the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions: Steps Towards Safer Drinking Water

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized the health risks threatened by lead pipes and published the Lead and Copper Rule…

Don’t Think Twice: Using Technology to Ensure School Safety

Our future generation’s safety hinges on things we can’t always see—security systems. These safety systems within schools rely upon hundreds…

10 Interesting Facts About Texas Oil and Gas

Did you know that Texas leads the United States in oil and natural gas production? The state of Texas accounted…

5 Main Right of Way Services You Must Know

Right of way is defined as the right to pass across the land of another. This may be applied to…